Afrika SelatanAfrika Selatan

Afrika Selatan

Republik Afrika Selatan adalah sebuah negara di A…
Gunung MejaPulau RobbenTanjung HarapanL' Agulhas, Western Cape, 20171109JNBStadion Cape TownStadion FNBFan for life :)Amina playing Plants Vs Zombies while we wait for grannyValsbaaiCape Town City HallThe day I met Nelson Mandela!The Big Holeimgp2333Table Bay Harbourimgp4340Building-in-StellenboschWe were about 15 minutes into the safari part of #sqzHoneymoon before we turned a corner and almost slammed into this dude.  His name is Sophie and he's 20 years old (er, I just made that up). ps: We had a crazy first day -- wild boars, impalas, nyla, rhiEntrance IV - Nizamiye MosqueMade of melted gunsStadion Loftus VersfeldStadion Ellis ParkIMG_4904Stadion Newlands
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