

南アフリカ共和国(みなみアフリカきょうわこく、アフリカーンス語: Republiek van Su…
テーブルマウンテン ロベン島喜望峰L' Agulhas, Western Cape, 20171109JNBケープタウン・スタジアムFNBスタジアムFan for life :)'Mhudi', by Solomon Plaatje (1930), was the first full-length novel in English by a black South African. This specimen is an exhibit in the 'hapo' museum at Freedom Park. || #KeepWondering #madewithfaded @madewithfaded #Mhudi #book #stunningbnw #bnw_diamoSouth Africa_089ブルークランズ橋Amina playing Plants Vs Zombies while we wait for grannySunrise FALA 8-4-2018キャッスル・オブ・グッドホープThe day I met Nelson Mandela!ビッグホールimgp2333アパルトヘイト博物館南アフリカ共和国の議会イシマンガリソ湿地公園imgp4340Building-in-StellenboschWe were about 15 minutes into the safari part of #sqzHoneymoon before we turned a corner and almost slammed into this dude.  His name is Sophie and he's 20 years old (er, I just made that up). ps: We had a crazy first day -- wild boars, impalas, nyla, rhiLighting Jammie Hall