Hato Mayor Province

Hato Mayor (Spanish: [ˈato maˈʝoɾ], greater cattle-raising district) is a province of the Dominican Republic. The province was split from El Seibo in 1984.

Municipalities and municipal districts

The province as of June 20, 2006 is divided into the following municipalities (municipios) and municipal districts (distrito municipal - D.M) within them:

  • El Valle
  • Hato Mayor del Rey
    • Guayabo Dulce (D.M)
    • Mata Palacio (D.M)
    • Yerba Buena (D.M)
  • Sabana de la Mar
    • Elupina Cordero de las Cañitas (D.M)

The following is a sortable table of the municipalities and municipal districts with population figures as of the 2014 estimate. Urban population are those living in the seats (cabeceras literally heads) of municipalities or of municipal districts. Rural population are those living in the districts (Secciones literally sections) and neighborhoods (Parajes literally places) outside them. The population figures are from the 2014 population estimate.

NameTotal population Urban population Rural population
El Valle11,222 1,847 9,375
Hato Mayor del Rey73,558 62,475 11,083
Sabana de la Mar18,252 11,664 6,588
Hato Mayor province103,032 75,986 27,046

For comparison with the municipalities and municipal districts of other provinces see the list of municipalities and municipal districts of the Dominican Republic.

External links

Text taken from Wikipedia - Hato Mayor Province under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 on April 13, 2023
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